How ALTO’s Comprehensive Approach Delivers Accountability and Community Safety
September 15, 2023
Miranda Reyes

In the dynamic retail world, safety isn’t only about protecting profits; it’s about safeguarding the people and communities that fill the stores. At ALTO, with our unwavering commitment to retail safety, we understand that theft and retail crime have significant ramifications.

In this post, we’ll dive into studying one of ALTO’s recent wins which underscores the true impact of retail crime, and how ALTO’s comprehensive approach can help not only deter threats, but additionally ensure that store disruptions come with tangible consequences.

The Cost of Retail Crime

A repeat offender, responsible for a staggering 69 instances of theft and safety incidents at a national retailer client location, was associated with a loss totaling $11,983. These numbers alone highlight the pressing issue of retail crime that affects retailers and businesses of all sizes.

A Recent Case: Consequences for Repeat Offenders

In a recent case involving our national retailer client, this repeat offender pled guilty to 3rd-degree burglary, with an open sentence left to the court’s discretion. A 23-month prison sentence was handed down, but not without a fight, as the defendant and his lawyer had sought a downward departure: a plea for a more lenient sentence. In the end, ALTO’s advocacy in the legal process prevailed. 

The Judge’s Stance on Legal Accountability

Sommer Spector, an ALTO Staff Attorney in Minneapolis, was present in court throughout the process to advocate for the store team. During sentencing, the judge presiding over the case made a crucial point: retail theft doesn’t merely harm faceless corporations; it affects real individuals. 

“The judge rejected the request for a reduced sentence, emphasizing the defendant’s extensive record of retail theft,” said Spector. “She also acknowledged my presence in the courtroom as the representative of the retailer and store associates, directing her attention towards me as she conveyed to the defendant that his actions not only affect a corporate entity but also cause harm to individuals.”

The judge’s impassioned statement resonates with ALTO’s purpose: to ensure that those who disrupt the safety of communities face real, legal consequences for their actions.

ALTO’s Comprehensive Approach

ALTO doesn’t work as a silo; we offer a comprehensive, tech-enabled, end-to-end solution to fortify your retail safety. Our mission extends beyond your store entrance, prioritizing strong community partnerships to drive change within stores, communities, and courtrooms on a nationwide scale.

Our commitment extends through and beyond substantial data collection and assistance with incident reporting. We actively collaborate with local law enforcement, community leaders and prosecutors to enhance communication and response times. By fostering these essential partnerships, we ensure a comprehensive and effective approach to addressing your safety and building strong cases. Your safety is our team’s utmost priority.