Improving Retail Safety through Swift Incident Resolution
March 12, 2024
Miranda Reyes

During an era of heightened retail safety concerns, ALTO is the ultimate partner in safeguarding retail spaces and end-to-end incident resolutions. Recent events at a retailer in Brooklyn, New York underline the efficacy of our comprehensive retail safety solution.

Violent Altercation at Store Entrance Leads to Swift Arrest and Accountability 

On February 10, 2024, an altercation at the entrance of a national pharmacy retailer escalated to violence when an offender stabbed an on-site security guard, damaging the front door entrance upon making his getaway. Emergency services were contacted without delay, and the injured guard was quickly transported to the hospital.

ALTO’s Customer Support Specialist, upon being informed about the incident, immediately connected with the store and learned that the NYPD had arrested the offender.  The ALTO Staff Attorney then promptly reached out to the detective squad to confirm the arrest and offer support. Contact was established with the District Attorney to ensure all necessary evidence had been collected for a successful prosecution.

Thanks to the coordinated efforts of the ALTO team, local law enforcement, and the efficient incident reporting by the store team, the offender was arraigned and charged with first-degree robbery among other offenses related to the violent incident. Bail was set at $50k, and the offender remains in custody. The case was adjourned on February 16, 2024.

ALTO: An Alliance That Protects Retailers & Empowers Communities

ALTO’s prompt response to the incident ensured that the offender was not only apprehended, but appropriately held accountable for his actions. Having fostered a trusting partnership with local law enforcement, the ALTO team facilitated prompt evidence collection, legal support, and swift resolution.

Resolutions like this highlight the dedicated work of nationwide ALTO teams in safeguarding retail spaces and communities through prompt actions. Over 92% of legal cases handled by our legal experts have concluded with a favorable outcome – making ALTO a valuable investment.

Discover how ALTO’s proactive approach and focus on accountability can protect your retail space and enhance community safety.